Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Knee surgery and child birth

Haih...I guess I might not have time to blog tomorrow so I'll just blog all at one shot today...In case I forget the exciting parts. This morning, at 8am I arrived at Sunway Medical Center again. And today I got to witness a knee surgery and 2 Caesarean child births.

The anesthetist for the knee surgery was the same as yesterday's heart surgery. Two surgeons were in charge of this knee surgery. So the case was the patient's joint between the knees was uneven and what the surgeons did was they cut the part of the knee bone(which included the uneven part) and then inserted an artificial joint. This knee surgery was quite noisy as the surgeons had to saw the knee bone. For this surgery also, the patient was not fully anesthetised. Only her knees and below were numb. The best part of this surgery was I got to be part of the team...although it was only for 2minutes and I did the 'keh-leh-feh' job...One of the surgeon told me to hold on to one of the patient's knees while he wraps some plastic thingy and bandages around the thigh area...O and I also helped to answer the surgeon's phonecalls...nyanyah I felt like the surgeon's assistant...Call me assistant Ting...lolz...From this surgery one of the things that I've learnt is to be a surgeon, you must not empathize the patient...what I mean is you must really believe that the part of being operated is fully numb and the patient won't feel anything. Why did I come up with this thought? It was because of the way the surgeons clean the operated part before they stitch the section up. They just stick a sterilized cloth into the knee area and wipe that part...urghh...

For the 2 Caesarean child births...I missed the first one... when I entered the operation theatre, the baby was already out...and it was wailing real loud...wa~~wa~~wa~~ The surgeon explained to me that this lady has an abnormal uterus. There were also 2 cysts on each side of the Fallopian tubes and they needed to be extracted to be sent to the lab for testing.

For the second child birth...I got to see the whole process, the injection of the antisthetic, the delivery of the child and the stitching of the wound. For this second lady, she chose not to be fully anesthetised only her lower part of the body was numb.So said, she was awake throughout the whole childbirth process. First, the blood pressure of the patient was taken. Then the anesthetist injected the anesthetic into the patiet's body. And it was then when I got sort of scolded. I wasnted to move to one side so that the nurses could pass and so, I went quite near a cabinet covered with blue cloth.(Things that are covered with a blue cloth means that they are sterilized and one's not supposed to touch them unless you have blue clothings on too...)And the anesthetist snapped 'Hey girl!Be careful not to touch the blue cloth!' was not that I was going to touch the blue cloth anyway...I was still 20cm away...haiz What happens next is a tube attached to a plastic bag(to collect urine during the operation) was inserted into the lady's bladder. Then, the gynae cut across the patient's stomach. And blood oozed out and then you could see the flesh and then the gynae stuck his hand into the wound to grab hold of the uterus. An incision was made on the uterus and fluid gushed out. Immediately, the gynae grabbed the baby's leg and tried to pull him out. Once the baby was out, it started wailing. It was a baby boy...aww...he was so cute...And his body was all white when the gynae removed him. The newborn was immediately placed on a heated bed to be cleaned. The gynae then continue to stitch the wound.

When I compare my feelings after observing a normal surgery and a childbirth surgery, I seem to want to cry while watching the childbirth one. I sort placed myself in the mother's situation and I could somehow feel the pain. Also, for the childbirth surgery, it was different in a sense that a new life is being born into the world. And that feeling was great. I'm so grateful to my mom who gave birth to me naturally(which I think hurt x 100000000000000000000000000 times more). Thank you mummy~~ =>