Monday, July 19, 2010

5 Benefits for having short hair...

What I'm going to type later on applies to guys as well...(as you know some guys love to keep long hair...which I find...eww~~)

Okay so I've been keeping my hair long for almost one and a half years.And last Wednesday, I decided to get a hair cut. Initially I wanted to cut my hair really boy cut...but then the hairstylist was like,' I think you better not cut it that short first...' And so, I did not get the boy cut that I want, but I like it still...

My new haircut looks something like this...(minus the sexy look that Rihanna has on her face..lolz)

And so, I stared at the mirror and the haircut kind of reminded me of my Chong Hwa days...the short hair that I had for 5 years...ughh...

However, I realise that there are benefits for having short hair too....

1. You save shampoo and conditioner. Before I cut my hair short, I had to squeeze the shampoo comtainer twice. But now I only have to do it once. Save $$

2.Your hair dries much faster. This is good. This means that I dont have to use the hairdryer...Save electricity and $$

3.You dont have to buy hairtie...Save $$

4.You dont feel as hot and stuffy as the long-hairs do on sunny days...=>

5.You get to be as stylish as the long hairs do...who says you cant style your hair if its short?
oh one more thing...just look at the transformation...

LONG hair...
SHORT hair...
that's why I think guys look better in short hair...(except Torres. he looks good in short and long...=p)